Friday, September 12, 2008

Major Help!

Tina!!! Need I say more? Thank you sooo much for helping me with this bolg design- you are awesome. To any of you out there who are thinking about starting a blog for any reason- contact For Goodness Sakes Blog Designs. She is amazing. Props to her. I am excited to be entering the "bloggin" world. I am learning more about the digital and traditional scrapbooking world- For those of you out there who think "That's cute, but it's not for me-there's no way I could do that". I understand, I have been there. Just start with getting your pictures in order-chronologically or by person- whatever works for you. It is so important to your loved ones, if, God forbid, you were not there to tell them one day. Going through my grandmother's attic was so hard- there were TONS of old photos (old timey black and whites). People in soldier uniforms- who were they? what war did they fight in? It could have been General Custer himself and we wouldn't have known!! Don't let your families history go unnoticed. Check out my crop schedule for times to work on this- now you don't have any excuses!!


Tina said...

You are more than welcome! :) It looks very nice around here!

Thanks for the plug...let me know if there's anything else I can do for you!

See you soon!

Cindy Kraft said...

I am so excited that your a "blogger" now. Your site looks great! I am excited for you.